Why? Your oral health affects your whole body.
I lead whole body dentistry practices in Sandton and Durban; founded on core family values – courage, integrity and honesty – which have guided us through growth and success. Our holistic approach to dental health care is non-invasive, based on the philosophy of tissue regeneration and non-metal. This is where I use health coaching to improve whole body health through an Oral and Dental medicine understanding. Lifestyle health challenges (Stress-Diabetes-Blood Pressure-Cholesterol) are controlled using the oral approach to assist in rehabilitation.
I grew up in Durban and after graduating from Lucknow University in Uttar Pradesh, India, with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery. I then continued to complete many postgraduate courses in Oral Medicine and Periodontics and acquired scores of certificates in orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, children’s dentistry, to name but a few – whilst achieving numerous awards and honours both in school and university.
Building upon my long-held sense for the community, I am affiliated with a number of professional boards viz. South African Dental Association(SADA), International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology(IAOMT), General Practitioner Orthodontic Society(GPOS), Indian Dental Association(IDA).
I am also part of a fraternity of integrated health practitioners, including:
- Homoeopaths
- Rolfing
- Energy Medicine
- Ayurvedic
- Traditional Allopaths
More recently, I completed a number of additional courses to complement my understanding of the human body and how it works. These courses include Myofascial orthodontic–orthopaedic courses by renowned specialists John Truitt, Professor John Mews and Professor Profit. I have taught and attended Myobrace courses here in South Africa, and was invited to attend the Myobrace European Summit in the Netherlands. I now also act as a Myofascial-Myobrace consultant and assist 12 different dental practices with these appliances and personally oversee over 250 cases of children in active treatment of myofascial–myobrace appliances.
One of the most in-demand conference speakers, my passion for whole body dentistry has resulted in published articles on Holistic Dentistry, Human Values and Leadership. Apart from dentistry, I have a keen interest in hiking, cricket and non-fictional reading.
Community Involvement:
My sense of community has never faltered, and I constantly pursue opportunities to give back. Some of these include:
- Past president of Sathya Sai Organisation of South Africa
- Set up Free Health Camps under the banner of Sathya Sai Organisation of South Africa in outlying rural areas (for 30 years)
- Development of integrated rural projects including water irrigation, small scale farming and energy.
- Past member, National Service Co-ordinator(deputy) of Sathya Sai Organisation of Africa:
- Human Values Education Program
- Emergency Relief Disaster
- Skills Development for the unemployed
- Free Dental Clinics – part of free medical services to disadvantaged communities
- Participated in Wits Health consortium Bushbuckridge survey program
- External Lecturer for Practice Management Course: Wits University Dental Program
- Participated in rural education programs in Mozambique and Tanzania and Swaziland
- Conference dialogue on change at Surrey University
- Past member of the Sathya Sai Central and Education trust of South Africa
- Attended international conferences on:
- Education in Human Values
- Selfless service
- Leadership and development
- Spirituality and youth
- Village Upliftment programs
- Past Trustee of SALICT (South African Life Improvement Charitable Trust)